Mom’s Bouquet


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Every mother should get flowers, especially on Mother’s Day, and the flowers on these pretty coasters will last forever!  Which is good, since  EVERY day should be Mother’s Day, right?  There are several coasters to choose from, and you also get the designs inside the coasters to use on other projects and gifts.  You can use the coasters as gift tags or little doilies, too.


Earn 15 Points.

Mom’s Bouquet includes five pretty coasters that are finished in the hoop.  This set also includes the matching designs so you can make coordinating tea towels, placemats, or other goodies!  The coasters measure about 5″ x 5″

Hoop Size: 5×7

ART, DST, EXP, HUS, JEF, PES, VIP, and VP3 formats are included in your download.

These designs are automatically available as a download. If you’d like a CD or USB in addition to your download, you can choose that option at checkout.


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